Stealth Semi Inground Pools
As a homeowner, you may not be thrilled with the idea of staring at the walls of an above ground pool every time you gaze out the window, but you might also not want to spend tens of thousands an inground pool. Luckily, there’s an incredible compromise – the Stealth Semi-In Ground Pool.
Exclusive to a limited number of dealers only, the Stealth Semi-In Ground Pool can achieve the aesthetics of an inground pool for a price much closer to that of an above-ground pool.
T he Stealth Semi-In Ground Pool can be sunken partially or it can be almost entirely submerged into the ground. This makes it perfect for backyards with a slope and it all it takes is some simple decking or stonework to completely hide the walls of the pool.
C ost and aesthetic appeal are only two of the key benefits of a Stealth Semi-In Ground Pool.